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Переведите на язык, желательно без переводчика: 1)самые жаркие дни бывают летом. 2)самая дождливая погода бывает осенью. 3)чем больше я читаю, тем больше я знаю. 4)мар не такой холодный , как февраль. 5) самый трудный предмет в школе. 6)витебск дальше от минска, чем орша. 7)сегодня также холодно, как и вчера. 8)лучше поздно, чем никогда. 9)этот фильм такой же интересный, как и тот. 10)аня лучшая студентка в группе. 11)эта песня популярна сейчас.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) there are the hottest days in summer 2) there is the rainiest weather in autumn 3) if i read a lot, i will know a lot 4) march isn't as cold as february 5) math is the most difficult subject in the school 6) vitebsk is farther from mink than orsha 7) it is as cold today as yesterday 8) it is better to do it late than never 9) this film is as interesting as that 10) anya is the best student in the group 11) this song is very popular now

1) Harry: I'm sorry but I don't think this style is achievable(B) with your hair. Yosef: Seriously? So, should I choose something else?

2) Charlie: Mum says I can't go out today because I was late home last night. Adam: What? That doesn't sound like very fair punishment(B).

3) Mindy: I told my teacher I lost my homework, but really I didn't do it. Claire: That wasn't very respectful(A) was it?

4) Hannah: You look great in that hat. You should buy it. Landen: It's too expensive and buying clothes isn't a priority(C) for me at the moment.

5) Dan: Are you sure you didn't wear my hoodie without asking? Nigel: No, I  honestly(C) didn't. It doesn't even fit me.

6) June: I'm sorry, but can you clarify(B) how this design program works again? Karl: Sure, no problem


держи, я надеюсь что здесь без ошибок.

Популярно: Английский язык