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Переведите текст so,that's how you make a pirate's fruit salad.now it's your turn. ha.easy paco,how many mangoes do we need. not many . only two,i think can you pass me the lemon, please sure here you are make sure you put a lot of sugar in it ok! a lot sug! look it's ready!

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Итак, вот как делать пиратский фруктовый салат.сейчас ваша очередь. ха, легко. пако, сколько манго нам нужно. немного. только два, я думаю. можешь передать мне лимон, . конечно, держи. убедитесь, что ты положил много сахара в него. ок! много сахара! посмотри, он готов!

The main reason for visiting russia is its unique culture and architecture; they are simply too great to miss seeing!   you are sure to find lots of entertainments and learn a different way of life. russian cuisine is very diverse and delicious. however, you should remember that moscow the capital of russia is not cheap. food, transport and services are more expensive there than anywhere else in the country. russia is of course a lovely place to go to. it has so much to offer as far as world-famous museums, theatres and galleries are concerned. tourists are usually impressed by numerous churches and cathedrals. there are good tourist factilities in moscow, st petesburg and some other large cities. and the metro in moscow is efficient and rather cheap.however, russia is not attractive to many tourists for a variety of reasons. firstly, english is not spoken or understood except in the major cities. without  knowing the russian language  it is difficult to travel in russia. then, hotels and train accommodations are below european standards. and in moscow and many other cities the traffic is heavy and you may stuck in a massive traffic jam. russian winters are rather severe and if you can't stand cold you'd better not go there in winter time. to conclude russia is deffinitely worth visiting, because it is one of the most important and influenrial countries in the world. besides, moscow is a wonderful city. all foreigners are  greatly impressed with the city and its sights. and what is more,where else will you find such beautiful landscapes? the country lies in four climatic zones.  there are many national parks in the country, mighty rivers, the deepest  in the world lake baikal and lots of other attractive places where you can relax and have a good time, meet hospitable people and be happy.

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