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Question1 : 1 she usually … all materials herself. выберите один ответ. types will type is typing type question 2 : 1 we did this homework … . выберите один ответ. ourselves themselves myself itself question3 : 1 you can buy … clothes in this department. выберите один ответ. a many much a little question4 : 1 can i have … glass? выберите один ответ. many some a question5 : 1 your little daughter walk? - no, she can't. she is eight months old. выберите один ответ. must can may need question6 : 1 she gave us … advice on what to take with us. выберите один ответ. many a an question7 : 1 she is an old woman and therefore she … wear glasses. выберите один ответ. can was able to has to must question8 : 1 i know an advanced geography course now. выберите один ответ. were taking takes are taking is taking question9 : 1 he has … friends here. выберите один ответ. a lot few mine little question10 : 1 … parents are pensioners. выберите один ответ. he she theirs her question11 : 1 when … the 365th anniversary of rembrandt's birth celebrated? выберите один ответ. did do was does question12 : 1 work on holiday in the usa выберите один ответ. must might should could question13 : 1 i don't hear … . выберите один ответ. he him his your question14 : 1 when the academic year … we shall go to the country. выберите один ответ. is over will be over be over will have been over question15 : 1 you to reach good results in a month. выберите один ответ. will be able must should could question16 : 1 we have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you …. be on time. выберите один ответ. will must can would question17 : 1 you … bring me this book as soon as possible, i need it. выберите один ответ. have are may must question18 : 1 i … to finish this work yesterday. выберите один ответ. may had could could question19 : 1 your jeans torn, is it fashionable? выберите один ответ. are is has been was question20 : 1 she saved money and she wants to put in the bank. выберите один ответ. their them they it question21 : 1 when they come back? выберите один ответ. was have did were question22 : 1 shall i make the final choice right now? no, you выберите один ответ. needn’t mustn’t couldn’t can't question23 : 1 i live in this house. there is a bus stop in front of … . выберите один ответ. him it its her question24 : 1 i would like some grapes for dessert. will you buy ? выберите один ответ. it they them its question25 : 1 what are …? выберите один ответ. these this whose that question26 : 1 this is the monument i told you about. there are a lot of flowers around … . выберите один ответ. its them him it question27 : 1 i … going to enter the academy next year. выберите один ответ. am will be was question28 : 1 the information is top secret, so naturally, everybody interested in выберите один ответ. them it their they question29 : 1 he says that he … to the tape. выберите один ответ. will listen would listen will be listened listen question30 : 1 she usually to bed very early. выберите один ответ. has gone go goes going

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Ответы на вопрос:

Question1: 1she usually … all materials herself.выберите один ответ.  types  question 2: 1we did this homework … .выберите один ответ.ourselves  question3: 1you can buy … clothes in this department.выберите один ответ.many  question4: 1can i have … glass? выберите один ответ.aquestion5: 1 your little daughter walk? - no, she can't. she is eight months old.  выберите один ответ.  can    question6: 1she gave us … advice on what to take with us.выберите один ответ.  question7: 1she is an old woman and therefore she … wear glasses.выберите один ответ.has toquestion8: 1i know an advanced geography course now.  выберите один ответ.are taking  question9: 1he has … friends here.выберите один ответ.few  question10: 1… parents are pensioners.  выберите один ответ.her  question11: 1when … the 365th anniversary of rembrandt's birth celebrated?   выберите один ответ.was  question12: 1 work on holiday in the usa  выберите один ответ.must  question13: 1i don't hear … .  выберите один ответ.him  question14: 1when the academic year … we shall go to the country.  выберите один ответ.is over  question15: 1you to reach good results in a month.выберите один ответ.will be ablequestion16: 1we have a meeting at 5 o’clock, so you …. be on time.выберите один ответ.must  question17: 1you … bring me this book as soon as possible, i need it.выберите один ответ.mustquestion18: 1i … to finish this work yesterday.выберите один ответ.had  question19: 1your jeans torn, is it fashionable? выберите один ответ.are    question20: 1she saved money and she wants to put in the bank.выберите один ответ.itquestion21: 1when they come back?   выберите один ответ.did  question22: 1shall i make the final choice right now? no, you выберите один ответ.needn’t  question23: 1i live in this house. there is a bus stop in front of … .выберите один ответ.it  question24: 1i would like some grapes for dessert. will you buy ? выберите один ответ.them  question25: 1what are …? выберите один ответ.thesequestion26: 1this is the monument i told you about. there are a lot of flowers around … .  выберите один ответ.it  question27: 1i … going to enter the academy next year.выберите один ответ.am  question28: 1the information is top secret, so naturally, everybody interested in выберите один ответ.it    question29: 1he says that he … to the tape.  выберите один ответ.will listen  question30: 1she usually to bed very early.  выберите один ответ.goes

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