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17 1. заполните пропуски подходящими словами. hoof, claws, trunk, roots, grow, stalks, blossom tree’s go a long way under ground. a cat sharpens it’s against the of a tree. most fruit trees in spring. plants will not unless they get enough water and light. the horse is limping. it must have hurt its flowers last longer in a vase if you crush the end of their 2. выберите правильный вариант. her eyes reflected her unhappiness and hurt/hurtion. it's a wastion/waste of time trying to argue with him. the b vitamins give protection/protect against infection. some changes in the care-giving situation need explotion/exploration. introduction/introdution should be just a commentary. the predict/prediction proved correct. she felt a strong attraction/attract to him. the best support/supportion for a camera is a tripod. indiana tornado deals death and destruction/destroytion. his researtion/research has been fruitful.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.заполните пропуски подходящими словами.hoof, claws, trunk, roots, grow, stalks, blossomtree’s go a long way under ground.a cat sharpens it’s against the of a tree.most fruit trees in spring.plants will not unless they get enough water and light.the horse is limping. it must have hurt its flowers last longer in a vase if you crush the end of their 2.выберите правильный вариант.her eyes reflected her unhappiness and hurt.it's a waste of time trying to argue with him.the b vitamins give protection against infection.some changes in the care-giving situation need exploration.introduction/ should be just a commentary.the /prediction proved correct.she felt a strong attraction/ to him.the best support/ for a camera is a tripod.indiana tornado deals death and destruction/.his /research has been fruitful.

you speak french, don’t you? вы говорите по-французски, не правда ли? you are looking for something, aren’t you? вы что-то ищете, не правда ли? pete works at a plant, doesn’t he? пит работает на фабрике, не так ли? i can go now, can’t i? я могу теперь идти, не правда ли?

you do not know how to answer the question, do you? no, i don’t. - yes, i do. вы не знаете, как ответить на этот вопрос, не так ли? да, я не знаю. - нет, я знаю.you will not go there, will you? no, i shan’t. - yes, i shall. вы не пойдете туда, не так ли? да, я не пойду. - нет, я пойду.you haven’t been to moscow yet, have you? no, i haven’t. - yes, i have. ты до сих пор так и не был в москве, не так ли? да, не был. - нет, был.




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