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Как читается на языке. maslenitsa! greant! its a traditional russian festival called pancake week. its my favourite. it lasts from monday till sunday. we eat pancakes, take park in the khorovod and burn a straw doll the symbol of winter. we wear funny masks and play snowball and climb the pole.we say goodbye to winter and hello to spring

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Масленица!   грэйт! итс  э  трэдишэнэл  ˈрашэн  ˈфестивэл  колд  ˈпэнкейк  вик.  итс  май  ˈфейвэрит .  ит  ластс  фром  ˈмандей  тил  ˈсандей. ви  и: т  ˈпэнкейкс,  тейк  па: т  ин  зэ  хоровод  энд  бён  э  стро:   дол  зэ  ˈсимбэл  ов  ˈвинтэ. ви вэа  ˈфани  мескс  энд  плей  ˈсноубол  энд  клайм  зэ  поул. ви  сей  гудˈбай  ту  ˈвинтэ   энд  хеˈлоу  ту  сприн

e: englishmen

r: russian

e: hi, what's up man?

r: perfect!

e: you learn english, don't you?

r: yes, i do. i've heard you too. what do you think about russian language? is difficult to learn?

e: yes, it's very difficult language. i can't stand plural form in your language. what about english?

r: well, english is weird you there are lots of meanings in one word, sometimes i need time to to find necessary word with appropriate sense. are you good at learning?

e: i guess, yes.. i even can announce a couple of sentences, but the endings of your words.. they are awful for me.. what is your success?

r: quite good. i've been to greece recently, and i even could order some food using english!

e: ok. wish you all the best and great results about learning my language!

r you too! hope see you some day and good luck with everything!

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