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Перевести (только без переводчика) "из семи цитат я выбрал эту: начинай свой день с хороших мыслей и в течение дня…. свой выбор я попытаюсь объяснить в этом эссе. наш мозг как компьютер, перед его использованием его нужно правильно запрограммировать. с самого утра мы должны “программировать” свой мозг , что бы в течение дня он нас не подводил и работал хорошо. и запомните, относитесь к людям так как вы хотели , чтобы к вам относились. если вы будете весь день добрым, весёлым и вежливым, то и люди к вам потянутся."

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Ответы на вопрос:

"of the seven quotes i chose this: begin your day with good thoughts and during the day his choice i will try to explain in this essay. our brain is like a computer, before it is used it must be properly programmed. since the morning we have to" program "your brain, which would be during the day, he did not fail us and worked well. and remember, treat people the way you want to treat you. if you all day kind, cheerful and polite, the people and to reach for you . "

1 i object to your completing this study.

2 do you mind my opening the door?

3 he gave up smoking recently.

4 i remember well meeting him five years ago.

5 try jogging in the morning.

6 i like reading. reading is my favorite activity.

7 stop talking. i can't hear the lecturer.

8 we stopped to do windowshopping (я бы перевела we stopped to have a look at the shop window - это правильнее, но тогда будет без герундия)

9 i suggested going there by car, but my friends did not agree.

10 how about going to the cinema?

11 avoid reading in dim light!

12 it's no use giving him advice, he never takes any notice of it.

13 the car is very dirty, it needs cleaning.

14 i'm sorry for being late.

15 i had no intention of going to the cinema today.

16 the child was walking very carefully: he was afraid of falling down.

17 before leaving for the south don't forget to call me.

18 why did you walk there instead of taking a bus?

19 all children love being taken to the circus.

20 he is busy preparing for the report, he has very little free time now.

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