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Complete these sentences. 1)no matter how long it takes to get everything ready, 2)no matter where they are planning to spend the weekend, 3)no matter who comes for dinner, 4)no matter what she considers to be important, 5)no matter how many films he has seen, 6)in spite of my tiredness, 7)in spite of the difference in our age, 8)in spite of the fact that he was short of time, 9)in spite of the late hour , 10)in spite of the cold weather,

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Ответы на вопрос:

1)no matter how long it takes to get everything ready, we're done. 2)regardless of where they plan to spend the weekend, they will go to turkey. 3)regardless of who's coming to dinner, i'll ask again. 4)no matter what she considers important,she knows what to do 5)no matter how many movies he's seen, he loves to review them. 6)despite my fatigue,i'll do the lessons. 7)despite the difference in our ages, we're friends. 8)despite the fact that he was a short time, he is a real friend 9)despite the late hour , she will come to us. 10)despite the cold weather, all walking in the street.

Polina Gagarina was born on March 27, 1987 in Moscow. The family was half creative - the girl's mother Ekaterina Muchkaeva is a ballerina, besides she worked as a choreographer in a Moscow modeling agency. And father Sergei Gagarin worked as a doctor. The future actress repeatedly recalled that the family was friendly and cohesive. Polina acquired such feelings as dedication, perseverance and integrity in childhood.


Полина Гагарина появилась на свет 27 марта 1987 года в Москве. Семья была творческой наполовину - мать девочки Екатерина Мучкаева - балерина, к тому же она трудилась хореографом в московском модельном агентстве. А отец Сергей Гагарин работал врачом. Будущая артистка не раз вспоминала, что семья была дружная и сплоченная. Такие чувства, как целеустремленность, стойкость и принципиальность Полина приобрела еще в детстве.

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