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Переведите на язык. без переводчика я учусь в школе-лицей номер 1. уроки начинаются в 8.00 утра 6 дней в неделю. каждый день у нас 7 уроков.в понедельник и во вторник уроки по 40 минут, и во вторник есть классный час который длится 30 минут. в другие дни уроки идут по 45 минут. у нас есть перемены после каждого урока они по 5 минут, но после 4 урока перемена 15 минут. на большой перемене вся школа идет в столовую или магазин.каждый день уроки заканчиваются в 2 часа дня.

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I'm in school-lyceum no.1. the lessons start at 8.00 am 6 days a week. every day we have 7 lessons. on monday and tuesday classes are 40 minutes long, and on tuesday there is a class hour that lasts 30 minutes. on other days, the lessons are 45 minutes long. we have a are 5-minute break after each lesson, but after 4 lessons it is 15 minutes long. at recess the whole school is in the dining room or in a shop. every day the classes end at 2pm.

Under the new year a decree is insued to find the princess basket of snowdrops for a great reward. insidious stepmother and daughter are trying to get precious coins. they are stingy and lazy, so they send a stepdaughter into a forest. in the forest, the girl met twelve brothers who had names that coincided with the months of all seasons. they give her a bowl of snowdrops and after several times help her. when the queen sees snowdrops, understands that she was fooled and orders to execute her stepdaughter, the help of the brothers-months. they punish the princess, stepmother and her daughter. and the girl is presented with gifts for her kindness and responsiveness.

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