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Выбрать правильный 8. my watch yesterday; it needs a new battery a) stoped b) stop c) stopped d) was stoped 9. i there in october. a) were not b) did not c) was not d) is not 10. my sister started her job ) has two months b) ago two months c) two ago months d) two months ago 11. kerry stayed in a hotel. a) ls b) was c) be d) has 12. have you pushkin museum? a) ever visited b) ever visit c) never visit d) visit ever 13. i a farm during the summer last year a) worked b) has worked c) is worked d) work 14. have you breakfast? a) yesterday b) an hour ago c) already d) tomorrow

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8. my watch yesterday; it needs a new battery  c) stopped 9. i there in october. c) was not  10. my sister started her job d) two months ago 11. kerry stayed in a hotel.  d) has 12. have you pushkin museum? a) ever visited  13. i a farm during the summer last year a) worked  14. have you breakfast?   c) already

a: i’m making some coffee. would you like any? b: no, thanks. i’m going shopping. what do we need? a: well. we haven’t got any bread. b: have we got any cheese? a: no, we haven’t. and there aren’t any eggs. b: is there any tea left? a: no, there’s no tea. and we haven’t got any rice. b: right. bread, cheese, eggs, tea and rice. a: have you got enough money? b: i’ve got some, but not much. can you lend me any? ex.5. supply one of the compounds with some-, any- and no. 1. at the party you’ll see somebody you haven’t met yet. 2. i’m not going to see him because i have something important to report. 3. i was late. i found nothing in the house. 4. i think there’s something wrong with my watch. 5. is there anybody at home? 6. the doorbell rang but there was nobody there. 7. i know something at all. 8. nobody can become a member of the club by paying a subscription. 9. when we get there it may be too late to do something. 10. somebody has been here before us. 11. “why don’t you say anything? ” he demanded. 12. this is my affair and somebody else’s. 13. he looked at my pictures and didn’t say anything. ex.6. put the correct form of much, many, (a) little, (a) few. 1. you’ve made so many (много) mistakes in your test again! –don’t be surprised, i had a little(совсем немного) time to get ready for it. 2. do you have much(много) time on saturday? 3. i’m afraid we have too little(мало) flour to make a cake. –i think we can cook the cake, there is still a little(немного) flour left. 4. i don’t have many(много) friends in italy, but still there are many(много) people i’d like to see. 5. don’t hurry, take as much(много) time as you need.

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