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Перевидите понятно текст на сериал «виолетта» повествует о пути девушки-подростка в «большой» мир. у виолетты есть талант к пению. этот талант она получила в наследство от матери, знаменитой певицы, которая умерла в трагическом происшествии, когда виолетта была маленькой. герман, ее отец, — успешный человек, и хотя он суровый, обожает свою дочь. он принимает решение спрятать от виолетты прошлое о судьбе ее матери, из-за страха, что она пойдет по стопам мамы. после происшествия виолетта была увезена в мадрид отцом, и росла в одиночестве, едва устанавливая контакты со сверстниками. несмотря на это, герман осознает, что у виолетты есть талант к музыке, и разрешает ходить на занятия фортепиано, но удерживает ее подальше от пения. все изменится, когда виолетта возвращается в родной буэнос-айрес, где не была с 5-и лет. ей предстоит пройти сложные испытания и познать жизнь. в жизни виолетты появится сестра её матери анжи, которая скрывает, кто она, но искренне любит виолетту и заботится о ней. упорство и любовь к музыке девушке поступить в престижную академию «студия 21». виолетта обретает первых верных друзей и между тем встречает томаса и леона, двух парней с полностью противоположными личностями, которые заполнят пустоту в ее сердце.

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the series "violetta" narrate about a way of the teenage girl to the "big" world. violetta has a talent for singing. she inherited this talent from mother, the well-known singer who died in tragic incident when violetta was very small. herman, her father — the successful person and though he severe, adores the daughter. it makes the decision to hide from violetta the past about destiny of her mother, because of fear that it will go in the footsteps of mother. after incident violetta was taken away to madrid by the father, and grew in loneliness, hardly coming into contacts with contemporaries. despite it, herman realizes that violetta has a talent for music, and the piano allows to go to classes, but keeps her far away from singing. everything will change when violetta comes back to native buenos aires where wasn't since 5 years. it should pass difficult tests and to learn life. in violetta's life there will be a sister of her mother of angers who hides who is she, but sincerely loves violetta and cares of it. the persistence and love to music help the girl to arrive in prestigious academy "studio 21". violetta finds the first loyal friends and meanwhile meets thomas and leon, two guys with completely opposite persons who will fill emptiness in her heart.

i would like to present to you the "connect-a-time". this is a machine that allows you to travel back in time. it looks like a time machine but the result is diferent. the diference between a time machine and the "connect-a-time" is the fact that with a time machine you can go back as a diferent person see yourself as a human ad change the cource of history just by being there and not doing anything. if you take the "connect-a-time" - you will be transported back in time in your own body. you are able to feel the emotions you were through before and maybe even do somethings diferently. it would depend on the time to go back to. 

now i would like to explaine the reason for such a machine. i have heard many people say that they would like to go back to a certain time of their life and re-live it. now change it but be able to go through the same motions and emotions. for instance, i would like to go a few summers back and re-live the time i spent with my friends again.

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