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Составить диалог на you forgot to phone your friend.apologise to your friend .your friend understands ypu.

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Ответы на вопрос:

You:   hey,we need to talk. friend: yeah, sure. what is the matter? ! y: i forgot to call you.  f: oh, im no problem. but, may i ask, why? ! y: sure. my parents got me caught by playing the computer, you know, and they took away my phone.  f: oh, so sad. i feel you, man. y: yeah, thank you. so, that`s why.  f: no worries. i underdtand.  y: i promise, that it`s not going to happen again.  f: okay. sorry, i have to go. y: oh, my bad. see you later.  f: see you.

0. to cook

1. to hate

2. drive

3. to learn

4. smoking

5. smoke

6. tell

7. cry

8. dancing

9. walking

10. to get

11. Jogging

12. feel

13. cycling

14. to eat

15. to continue

16. to hear


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