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Insert the definite or indefinite article wherever necessary: 1. « had set. was green and yellow. and against this sky suddenly strange little figure. it short little man. he cap, overcoat and stockings.» 2. these lines are taken from one h.g. wells' best novels of this novel is " men in ". read and you will find it to be one of interesting stories you ever read. 3. was there near village you lived in last year? yes, there good forest there. there oaks, and .

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1.the sun had set.the sky was green and yellow. and against this sky suddenly appeared very strange little figure. it was a short little man. he wore cricket cap, overcoat and long stockings.» 2. these lines are taken from one h.g. wells' best novels the title of this novel is "the first men in the moon". read the novel and you will find it to be one of the most interesting stories you ever read. 3. was there a forest near village you lived in last year? yes, there was very good forest there. there were oaks,pines and firs in the forest.

Как и шотландия, уэльс и северная ирландия были свое время покорены , борьба за независимость в некоторых из них (ирландия  — яркий тому пример) продолжалась достаточно долго и даже в настоящее время национальные проблемы продолжают волновать многих жителей соединенного королевства. несмотря на возрастающую мощь и силу своих возможностей, понадобилось достаточно много времени для того, чтобы окончательно подчинить себе одну из соседних стран.like scotland, wales and northern ireland were conquered by the british in their time, the struggle for independence in some of them (ireland - a vivid example) continued for a long time and even now national problems continue to concern many residents of the united kingdom. despite the increasing power and strength of its capabilities, it took england quite a long time to finally subjugate one of the neighboring countries.

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