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Complete the sentences using was or were now jane is at home but last week she …….. on holiday. today it’s raining but yesterday it …….. sunny. this year there is a jazz festival here and last year there …….. a pop festival. today mr brown is at work but yesterday he …….. ill. these days there are houses here but a hundred years ago there trees. today i feel fine but yesterday i in bed all day. my mother is a manager now but she just a shop assistant last year. today is saturday and we are at home but yesterday we at school. this summer we are at home but last summer we in greece. today tina and jack are tired because yesterday they at the gym.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Now she was. today it' it was sunny. this there were a pop festival. today mr. was ill. these were trees. today i feel..i were in bed all day. my she was just a shop assistant last year. today is were in greece. today tina and they were at the gym. запомни! пишется в: was-he,she,it were-i, we,they,you

Начнем с there is. there is- там (находится, есть) в ед.ч например: there is a box near the table около стола находится коробка there are- тоже самое только во мн.ч. например: there are boxes near the table около (возле) стола находятся коробки. дальше все просто- придумываешь любой предмет и добовляешь где оно находится,но можно и без этого

Популярно: Английский язык