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№1 present simple or present continuous? use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses. 1) she, as a rule, (wear) smart hats. but today she (wear) a funny-looking one. 2) you (eat) fruit every day? what’s the name of the fruit you (eat) with such pleasure? 3) you usually (not drink) coffee at this time? №2 future simple or present continuous? use the verbs given in brackets in proper tenses. 1) he says (meet) us at the bus stop, but i’m sure he (forget) about it. 2) maria (work) today, so i (get) the papers for her. №3 make the right choice. “make” or “do”? 1) the president is going to a statement. 2) he got up and his bed. №4 make the right choice. “is” or “are”? 1) that good news! my clothes found. 2) my pair of jeans torn and so my tights. 3) the furniture in the sitting room very expensive. №5 find the antonyms. 1) impossible a. terrible 2) destroy b. cleaning 3) wonderful c. possible 4) pollution d. create №6 choose the correct form of the verb. we were used to long distances. a. walk; b. walking; c. have walked; d. walked.

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№1 1) she, as a rule, (wears) smart hats. but today she (is wearing) a funny-looking one. 2) do you (eat) fruit every day? what’s the name of the fruit you (are eating) with such pleasure? 3) don't you usually (drink) coffee at this time? №2 1) he says (will meet) us at the bus stop, but i’m sure he (will forget) about it. 2) maria (is working) today, so i (will get) the papers for her. №3 1) the president is going to make a statement. 2) he got up and did his bed. №4 1) that is good news! my clothes are found. 2) my pair of jeans is torn and so are my tights. 3) the furniture in the sitting room is very expensive. №5 1) impossible c. possible 2) destroy d. create 3) wonderful a. terrible 4) pollution b. cleaning №6 b. walking;

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