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Только побыстрей перевести предложения и сделать все типы вопросов к ним. 1. ник смотрит вестерн по вечерам. 2. его папа часто читает научную фантастику. 3. я ходил в кино со своим другом вчера.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) nick sees  western in evening. who sees western in evening? does nick see westrn in evening? what sees nick in evening? when nick sees westrn? what nick sees in evening? what does nick in evening?

2)his father read  science fiction often. who reads  science fiction often? how many times hes father reads  science fiction. what his father reads often?

3)i went in the cinema with my friend yesterday. where i go with my friend yesterday? when i go to the cinema with my friend ? with whom i go to the cinema yesterday? who goes to the cinema with my friend yesterday?

1. herself 2. by themselves 3.itself 4.yourself 5.by ourselves

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