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Выберите правильную форму причастия. the book was so that i couldn’t put it down. выберите один ответ: 1.excite 2.excited 3.exciting 4.to excited

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Ответы на вопрос:

Книга была настолько захватывающей, что я не мог положить еe вниз. поэтому сюда подходит 3 вариант ответа  the book was so   exciting that i couldn’t put it down.

The answer is 3.exciting

Ilike many thingps in russia, but i'm going to tell you about the hermitage, which is situated in st petersburg. it looks wonderful  outside and it is amazing inside. there are many halls and many interesting things there. if you want to see everything, you should definetely spend more than one day there. it is famous for a collection of holland art.if you spend a minute on each exhibit, you will need 13 years to see everything. there are many pictures there which liked, but my favourite one is the landscape with a pond. i hope to go there once again.

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