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Cinderella: fine,daddy.and you? .father: oh,i'm ok,bit,my stepmother: cinderell.what are you doing? you're not working! father: stepmother: work,girl,work.make the breakfast.i'm hungry.i want my toast,jam,cheese and a cup of tea. cinderella: yes,stepmother. stepmother: and you basil,what are you doing? helping the girl? father: er- stepmother: my daughters are coming down and they want their breakfast,too. (enter pat) cinderella: good morni g,sister. pat; good morning,mummy,dear. stepmother: and how are you today,pat,dear.? pat: terrible, terrible. stepmother: oh,dear. (enter lis) . cinderella: good morning,sister. stepmother: stepmother: ah,good morning,my child. lis: morning. stepmother: and how are you today? lid: terrible. stepmother: oh,dear,you too? liz: oh,my pat: hmmmmp! cinderella! where is my breakfast? i'm hungry and thirsty.i want two eggs,pudding,cookies,two cupd of tea today-milk,sugar and six pieces of toast-.lis: i want a cup of ,my pat: -with cheese- liz: coffee.black.no sugar.i want my breakfast now, cinderella.oh,my pat: - and an apple. cinderella: yes, sister.yes,sister. coming.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Золушка: хорошо, папа, а ты? папа: ох, я в порядке, но дитя мачеха: золушка, что ты делаешь? ты не работаешь! отец: мачеха: работай, девчонка, работай. приготовь завтрак, я голодная. я хочу бутерброд с джемом, сыр и чашку чая. золушка: да, мачеха. мачеха: и ты базилий, что ты делаешь, девочке.(дальше переведу в следующем ответе)

1. my friend fun and good   2.  riding a bicycle   3.  playing football 4.loves candy 5.climbing trees

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