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Ответить на вопросы. 1. how should i look for a job? 2. where сап i find information about the job? 3. should i advertise my services? 4. what kind of jobs are there for me to do? 5. will the job be interesting? 6. how much will i earn? 7. how much should i charge? 8. when should i apply for the job? 9. is there a minimum age requirement? 10. does this job require any special skills? 11. will i learn anything new at this job? 12. will i be able to meet new people? 13. will i be able to travel? 14. will i still have any free time? 15. what are the working hours? 16. will i need permission from my parents?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. u can look for a job in some web-sites or in advertsment. 2. u can find information about this job in the internet or in newspaper 3. if u want to develope your bussines, u should) 4. there are jobs u can do only. 5. it depends. yeah if u dare 6. according to the job. 7. the same, that in *6* 8. u can apply to a newspaper for a job. 9. yes, there is. in any jobs the is an age requirement 10. if u have some extra skills, u can demonstrate it. it spurrdes. 11. u'll get much expirience in this job 12. of course u will. there gonna be many new interesting people. 13. yes, u will, if your boss is kind) 14. according to the time u'll spend for your job. 15. from 8am till 8pm 16. if u are under 18 yes!

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