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Перевести как зовут нашего вожатоrо? том. он летит из москвы в лос-анджелес остановкой франкфурте с во родители дали ему возможность провести лето в лагере. он сейчас в аэропорту хитроу. я его на месте встречи тебе нравится жить в домике? я не знаю. я первый раз еду лагерь не story тратить деньги на одежду. я коnлю на велосипед твои друг хочет совершенствовать свои ? он может присоединиться нашей группе. я надеюсь, atтrofvс скоро по виrсл мы замерзаем

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Ответы на вопрос:

What is the name of our vozhatoro? tom. it flies from moscow to los angeles, stopping in frankfurt with parents gave him the opportunity to spend the summer at camp. he is now at heathrow airport. i have it on the venue you like to live in a house? i do not know. i first camp food story is not to spend money on clothes. i'm on the bike konlyu your friend wants to improve their english? he can join our group.i hope soon for attrofvs virsl we freeze

Ihave got a cat. her name’s murkiza. she is 9. she is beautiful. she has some bright stripes on her body and her fur is rather thick. like other cats, murka likes warm places and in winter she often enjoys sleeping at the battery under our stairs. in summer my lovely cat “sunbathes” in the street. she squints and purrs with pleasure. our cat catches mice. when she is hunting, she looks like a wild cat. her eyes are sparkling with excitement, her ears are pressed down, her whole body is strained. it’s so interesting to watch her hunting. when she catches a mouse, she doesn’t eat it. she brings it to us and shows it, as if she wants to boast. we always praise her and give fresh fish or cans for cats. when murka was little, she was like a small fluffy ball. and she was very naughty. she tore our wallpaper and scratched a staircase and chairs. she also dropped some of the mother’s flowers from the windowsill, but in spite of this, we love her very much. i always play with her and i even taught her to ride a bike (of course with my help). our cat is out-breed, but we are sure that she is the best one in the world. 

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