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Напишите 5-10 предложений на ( без переводчика) "как мои потомки должны заботиться о природе"!

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Ответы на вопрос:

i hope, my descendants will cary the nature because we couldn`t be still alive without trees, because trees make air for us to breath. in the future where my descendants will live will be a lot of technologies, but anyway they still must keep our nature clean. they will graw trees and plants. my descendants will also save the water and the electricity. in  the future they will use just electrycal and sunpowered cars and electonic devices. they will surely put filtres for filtrating dangerouse gases that gets into air that we breath. and, of course they will do the resycle the rubbish that is very important to save our earth!

i play computer games everyday.

she goes to school every day.

he cooks every evening.

my father works at school.

they often go to the cinema.

i don’t wacth tv.

he doesn’t drive the car.

i don’t like coffee.

she doesn’t speak english.

i play chess everyday.


do you speak english?

do you play football?

does she go to the school?

do you want to help me?

do you live here?

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