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Translate into english 1)в наши дни наркотики,алкоголь,драки,убийства и другие виды насилия связаны с молодыми людьми. 2)правительственные исследования показывают, что каждый пятый подросток совершает криминальные действия. 3)асоциальное поведение подростков часто ассоциируется с проблемами в школе,семье. 4)для некоторых детей проблемы с выпивкой,насилие в семье становятся более реальными, чем реальность. 5) часто взрослые не понимают подростков. и это непонимание приводит ко многим проблемам. 6)с одной стороны, взрослые могут дать детям много прав и свободы, но с другой стороны, большинство взрослых думает, что подростки слишком молоды, чтобы принимать их всерьёз. 7)многие подростки говорят, что их родители довольно безразличны к их проблемам, хотя и могут позволить им всё. 8)без сомнения, проблемы подростков будут возрастать в ближайшие годы. 9)но молодые люди должны чувствовать, что взрослые беспокоятся о них, заботятся о них.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) today, drugs, alcohol, fights, murders and other violence associated with young people.2) government studies show that one in five adolescent commits criminal acts.3) anti-social behavior of adolescents is often associated with problems in school, family.4) for some children, a drinking problem, domestic violence becomes more real than reality.5) very often adults do not understand teenagers. and this lack of understanding leads to many problems.6) on the one hand, adults can give children a lot of freedom and rights, but on the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously.7) many teens say their parents are quite indifferent to their problems, although they may allow them all.8) without a doubt, the problems of adolescents will increase in the coming years.9) but young people need to feel that adults care about them, care for them.

1) today, drugs, alcohol, fights, murders and other violence associated with young people.2) government studies show that one in five adolescent commits criminal acts.3) anti-social behavior of adolescents is often associated with problems in school, family.4) for some children, a drinking problem, domestic violence becomes more real than reality.5) very often adults do not understand teenagers. and this lack of understanding leads to many problems.6) on the one hand, adults can give children a lot of freedom and rights, but on the other hand, most adults think that teenagers are too young to be taken seriously.7) many teens say their parents are quite indifferent to their problems, although they may allow them all.8) without a doubt, the problems of adolescents will increase in the coming years.9) but young people need to feel that adults care about them, care for them

1. what do you want him to do?   i want him to go through the cotton-field.2. what do you want him to do?   we want him to go by bus. 3. what does pete want his parents to do?   pete wants his parents to buy him a watch.4. what does the doctor wants the boy to do?   the doctoe wants the boy to lie in bed for two days.5. what do you want me to do?   i want you to read this story.

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