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Перевести на язык в present continuous. 1. николай маме. 2. ты папе? 3. моя сестра читает интересную книгу. 4. они идут в школу. 5. вы идете в школу? 6. он работает 7. твоя бабушка идет в магазин? 8. он покупает конфеты. 9. что делает твоя сестра? 10. где играют дети? 11. почему ты смеешься? 12. куда они идут? 13. что несут эти мальчики? 14. я сижу в парке на скамье и кормлю птиц. 15. мама сидит на диване в гостиной и смотрит телевизор. 16. это фотографии моих друзей. том играет на гитаре, а джейн поет. 17. а здесь они танцуют на моем дне рождения.

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1. niсk is helping her mother.2. are you helping your dad? 3. my sister is reading an interesting book.4. they are going to school.5. are you going to school? 6. he is working.

7. is your grandmother going to the shop? 8. he is buying some sweets.9. what is your sister doing? 10. where are the children playing? 11. why are you laughing? 12. where are they going? 13. what are these boys carrying? 14. i'm sitting on a bench in the park and feeding the birds.15. my mother is sitting on the sofa in the living room and watching tv.16. this is the pictures of my friends. tom is playing the guitar, and jane is singing.17. and here they are dancing at my birthday party.

it is raining all day today. i suspect it always rains on sundays in england. anyhow, it rains every sunday since i arrived here three months ago. i just began to get used to it but i find it rather monotonous! i live in a boarding-house in bayswater as i do not possess enough money to stay in a hotel or a flat of my own. however, i am enjoying my stay here as i had had already many opportunities to meet interesting people who came from all over the world. like me, they study english or else they work with foreign firms that have branches or agencies here. some of them are living here for quite a long time but even they do not speak english very well. my friend peter, for instance, who came from basel, and came here a year ago, still is speaking with a strong swiss accent. he says this is because he worked long hours with an export-import firm where they spoke little english. although i have been here only three months, i pick up enough english to be able to correct peter frequently, but as i learned english at school here, i have an unfair advantage over peter, who is a good fellow, and is most helpful in showing me about london during the first weeks of my stay.

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