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С, open the brackets to complete the text. when i was at school, i (1) (know) that i certainly (2) (visit) the national gallery some day, as i (3) (hear) so much about it. and this day (4) (come) when i was fourteen. my friend dick and i (5) (take) to london, the city of our dreams, by our parents. on the first morning of our stay in the capital we (6) (take) our cameras which we (7) (bring) with us and walked to trafalgar square.but alas, in the national gallery taking pictures (8) (not allow) falgar square nevertheless, we decided to go to the gallery and see its collection of paintings. very soon realized how much dick could tell me about artists and their paintings. i certainly (9) (understand) that my friend (10) (show) off a bit by his knowledge. dick was but i really (11) (impress) ready to tell an interesting story about practically any picture. evidently he lots of books about the gallery and its pieces of 12) (read) lots of books about the gallery and its pieces of art.i (13)(feel) that my knowledge of art (14) (improve) greatly by the end of our visit to the gallery. suddenly dick stopped and looked at something that (15) (hang) in the corner. then thoughtfully he said that what he (16) (see) looked like a true rembrandt to him. he (17) (step) back up to the masterpiece. great was my and let me (18) (come) surprise when from the canvas my own face (19) (stare) at me! it was a mirror. "that is really an awful mistake i (20) (make) plense don't tell anybody about the ineidentt" said my friend.

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Когда я был в школе, я (1) (знаю), что я, конечно (2) (посещение), национальная галерея-нибудь, как я (3) (слышать) столько об этом. и в этот день (4) (прийти), когда мне было четырнадцать. мой друг дик и я (5) (взять) в лондон, город нашей мечты, наших родителей. в первое утро нашего пребывания в столице мы (6) (взять) наши камеры, которые мы (7) (приносить) с нами и направился к трафальгарской площади.но увы, в национальной галерее фотографировать (8) (не позволяют) площадь falgar тем не менее, мы решили пойти в галерею и увидеть его коллекцию картин. скоро поняла, как сильно дик мог бы рассказать мне о художниках и их картинах. я, конечно, (9) (понимаю), что мой друг (10) (показать) немного его знаний. дик, но я действительно (11) (произвести впечатление) готов рассказать интересную про практически любую картинку. очевидно, он много книг о галерее и ее частей из 12) (читать) много книг о галерее и ее произведениями искусства.я (13)(чувствовать), что мои познания в живописи (14) (значительно улучшить) к концу нашего визита в галерею. вдруг дик остановился и посмотрел на то, что (15) (повесить) в углу. потом задумчиво сказал, что то, что он (16) (см.) выглядела истинной рембрандта к нему. он (17) (шаг) обратно на шедевр. велика была моя и дай мне (18) (давай) удивление, когда из холста своего собственного лица (19) (смотрят) на меня! это было зеркало. "это действительно ужасная ошибка, которую я (20) (сделать) plense никому не говори об ineidentt", - сказал мой друг.

1.            andrew was wondering if denis had a good holiday. 2.            denis said that his holiday was good and that he had been in turkey. 3.            andrew asked what it had been like. 4.            denis said that most of all he had enjoyed swimming in the sea sunbathing on the beach. 5.            andrew asked if denis stayed in a hotel. 6.            denis replied that he had stayed there but it hadn’t been a big one. he added that it had been a third - rade hotel. 7.            andrew was wondering if denis had gone to any interesting places. 8.            denis said that he had gone to one or two. he added that he had visited tha basin of cleopatra and had seen the cave of love. 9.            andrew asked how the weather was. 10.    denis replied that it had been changeable. he added that it had been sunny and rainy. he said that in his opinion the trip had been pretty good.

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