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Переведите на . хотя бы что то одно 1.) мое первое любимое животное это панда. я люблю панд потому что они милые и хорошие. панда имеют черно-белую окраску и любит есть бамбук. так-же панда является символом wwf и занесена в красную книгу. 2.) мое второе любимое животное это собака. я люблю собак потому что они верны и преданны человеку. среди собак есть много пород. мои любимые породы это такса и джек рассел терьер. древним родственником собаки является волк. 3.) мое третье любимое животное это единорог. единороги бывают разной окраски. у них бывает рог цвета радуги, и замечательная, длинная грива. единороги мне нравятся тем, что они необычные и милые.

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Ответы на вопрос:

)my first favorite animal is the panda. i like pandas because they are very nice and good. panda has a black and white painting and loves to eat bamboo. so is the panda symbol wwf and is listed in the red book. 2) my second favorite animal is a dog. i love dogs because they are faithful and loyal man. among dogs there are a lot of rocks. my favorite breed is the dachshund and jack russell terrier. ancient dog is a relative of the wolf. 3.) my third favorite animal is a unicorn. unicorns are of different colors. they happen horn colors of the rainbow, and a wonderful, long mane. unicorns i like the fact that they are unusual and lovely.

1my first favorite animal is a panda. i love pandas because they are very cute and nice. panda are black and white in color and loves to eat bamboo. so the panda is the symbol of wwf and listed in the red book.

London is the capital of great britain. more than six million people live in london. london lies on both banks of the river thames. it is the largest city in europe and one of the largest cities in the world. london is not only the capital of the country, it is also a very big port, one of the greatest commercial centres in the world, a university city, and the seat of the government of great britain. the most important parts of london are: the city, the west end, the east end and westminster. the city is the busiest part of london. people do business there. only about ten thousand people live there. the west end is the richest part of london. you can find the best shops, theatres, cinemas, museums, fine parks and squares there. its houses and streets are the finest in the capital. the rich people live in the west end. the east end is the part of london where working people live. it is not so rich as other parts of london and there are fewer parks there. westminster abbey is one of the most beautiful buildings in london. there are many monuments of great men there. many great english scientists lie buried there; among them newton, darwin and watt. in the poets' corner some of the famous english poets and writers are buried. выберешь что нибудь: -)

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