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Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. 1. if i (win) a million euros, (buy) a football team. 2. if she (have) a computer,) you an email. 3 .if my (have) a car, (drive) us to school every day. 4. if (buy) a dog, (take) it for a walk every day. 5. if ) the answer, (tell) you.

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Ответы на вопрос:

If i won a million euros,i ll  buy  a football team.   if she had a computer,she ll  send  you an email. if my mum had a car,she ll  drive us to school every day. if we buy  a dog,i   ll  take  it for a walk every day. if i  knew the answer,i ll  tell  you

Bob and Mike can't play tennis

Peter can swim in the lake

Altynai and Akulai can't talk Russia

Bolo can write

Bolot can't read English books

Tahir can speak Russia

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