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Напишите следующие предложения во множественном числе и переведите их на язык: 1. i never saw that young woman. is she a student of our college? 2. put this chair near the blackboard. 3. i think that this subject is very important for us. 4. do you know that man? who is he? 5 will this professor deliver lectures on mathematics?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1i never saw those young women. are they the students of our college? я никогда не видел этих молодых девушек. они студентки нашего колледжа? 2 put those chairs near the blackboard поставь эти стулья у доски 3. i think that those subjects are very important for us думаю, эти предметы важны для нас 4. do you know these men? who are they? ты знаешь этих мужчин? кто они? 5. will those professors deliver lectures on mathematics? будут ли эти профессора читать лекции по матиматике?

1. я никогда не видел, что молодая женщина. студентка нашего колледжа? 2. поставить стул возле доски. 3. я думаю, что эта тема важна для нас. 4. вы знаете этого человека? кто он? 5 это профессора читают лекции по ?

(1) way of life (2) events (3) leisure (4) black and white (5) cinema (6) animated cartoon  (7) dvd-copy.i (have seen) three police cars this morning. after he (arrived) home, he (unpacked) and (went) to bed early. i (have broken) a glass! my grandparents had only (known) each other for a few months before they  (got) married. i (have been) in london for three years. we (saw) julie last night. he (had been) a teacher before he (became) a musician. when the boss (walked) into the room, we (knew) someone was going to get fired. the children (broke) a window in the school last week. he (saw) that film last year. meredith has lived here since 1997. meredith has lived here for eighteen years. john has had the ball since last july. he has had the ball for eight months. molly has liked fairy-tales since she was a tiny baby.

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