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Преобразуйте прямую речь в косвенную. переведите полученные предложения. 1. our teacher explained us: "a semiconductor is an electric conductor with resistivity in the range between metals and insulators". 2. he says: "i don't see a lot of demand for the amt capability from customers using pure vsat configuration". 3. communications engineer told us: " a lot of our clients are overseas and we are having problems with the line". 4. he asked: "how long have you been instaling the computer"?

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. our teacher explained us that a semiconductor was an electric conductor with resistivity in the range between metals and insulator. 2. he says that he doesn't see a lot of demand for the amt capability from customers using pure vsat configuration. 3. communications engineer told us that a lot of their clients were overseas and they were having problems with the line. 4. he asked how long we had been instaling the computer

Charisma -  is the personal quality that allows a person easily and naturally to realize themselves in the life of a leader, to influence others through their ideology, to motivate them to action. if you pay attention,you will notice many political leaders,heads of state have charisma.for example, such as stalin,lenin,hitler and many other people. also you may notice that charisma hides some physical disabilities people. for example, napoleon was very low growth,,but stalin was not so attractive in  life how it was portrayed in portraits.

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