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Сделать эти предложения вопросительными. 1. the museum was opened in 2005. (музей был открыт в 2005 г.) 2. 3000 books are sold every week . (3000 книг продается каждую неделю.) 3. the parcel will be delivered tomorrow morning. (посылку доставят завтра утром.) 4. the flight wasn’t canceled because of the rain. (рейс не отменили из-за дождя.) 5. this wine will not be produced next year. (это вино не будет производиться в следующем году.) 6. paper is made from wood. (бумагу изготовляют из дерева.) 7. coffee is not grown in russia. (кофе не выращивают в россии.) 8. the new year tree was decorated last night. (елку украсили вчера вечером.) 9. the airport is surrounded by soldiers. (аэропорт окружен солдатами.) 10. i was told to keep silent. (мне сказали молчать.)

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Ответы на вопрос:

1. when was the museum opened? 2. how many books are sold every week? 3. when will the  parcel   be delivered? 4. was the flight canceled because of the rain? 5. will this wine be produced next year? 6. what is paper made from? 7. is coffee grown in russia? 8. when was the new year tree decorated? 9. what is surrounded by soldiers? 10. who was told to keep silent?  


She wanted to tell me some interesting story.

Она хотела рассказать мне интересную историю.

Популярно: Английский язык