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Добрый вечер , перевести текст на язык. осенние каникулы короткие - всего 10 дней. я не путешествовала, не ездила на море, но проведывала свою бабушку. у меня было много времени для занятий моими любимыми делами. днем я играла со своей маленькой сестренкой, и гуляла с ней на улице. мы собирали желтые красивые листочки. а вечерами я читала книги, и совершенствовала свой язык. хорошо, что есть осенние каникулы! .

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Autumn holidays are very short - only 10 days.i have not traveled, did not go to sea, but visit his grandmother.i had plenty of time to practice my favorite things.in the daytime i played with my little sister, and walked with her to the street. we collected beautiful yellow leaves.in the evenings i read books and improve their english.it is good that there is a fall vacation ! .

The autumn holiday time is very short - only 10 days. i'm not traveling, did not go to sea, but was visiting his grandmother.  i had a lot of time to practice my favorite things. in the afternoon i played with his little sister and walked with her outside. we collected beautiful yellow leaves. and in the evenings i read books and improve your english. very well, there are autumn holidays!

Iwould like a peach.

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