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Перевести текст на язык по правилам: в лето 2015 года, в августе я ездила в лагерь "артек". этот лагерь находится в крыму. добиралась я туда на самолёте с группой других детей. отдыхала я там 3 недели. было весело. мы ездили в древний город "херсонес", в ливадийский дворец, и в музей "панорама". эти музеи находятся в севастополе. каждый день мы ходили купаться на море. там мы видели дельфинов и много красивых медуз. мне понравилось в крыму. надеюсь поеду туда

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Ответы на вопрос:

In the summer of 2015, in august, i went to the artek camp. this camp is in the crimea. i went there by plane with a group of other children. i rested there for 3 weeks. it was fun. we went to the ancient city of hersonissos, to the livadia palace and the panorama museum. these museums are in sevastopol. every day we went swimming in the sea. there we saw dolphins and a lot of beautiful jellyfish. i liked staying in the crimea very much. i hope to go there

In the summer of 2015, in august i went to camp "artek". this camp is located in the crimea. i had travelled there onthe plane with a group of other children. i rested there for 3 weeks. it was very fun. we went to the ancient city of chersonesos, in the livadia palace, and the museum "panorama". these museums are located in sevastopol. every day we went swimming in the sea. there we saw dolphins and lots of beautiful jellyfish. i really liked in the crimea. i hope to go there

Ilove our world,because there are a lot of beautiful places. in the park,i like read or listening bird's song. my favorite season is autumn. i like to watch,how red,yellow or green leafs are fall down. i like to "swim" in the different leafs,but when people see me,when i "swim",they think that i am crazy. i love our wold. please,save nature.

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