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Написать письмо. you have received a letter from your english–speaking pen friend, ben. … today is sunday, but i feel bored and unhappy. it’s already been raining hard for two days and there’s nothing to do at home… …what is your favourite season and why? what do you do when the weather is rainy? how do you usually spend your weekends? … write him a letter and answer his 3 questions. write 100–120 words. remember the rules of letter writing.

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Ответы на вопрос:

Hey! how's it going? sorry for not writing for so long. well, my favorite season is summer. i always enjoy it. it's very sunny, cheering, warm. you can swim, play outside or even go camping with your pals. but when it's rainy, things are a whole lot different. mostly i stay at home and distract myself with something interesting. i listen to some catchy songs, draw, play games. if it's not enough, i call my best friend chloe and talk with her. it's never boring to chat with her, she's such a nice and smart person. i never waste my time on rainy days. on my weekend i go to park with my family. (of course if the weather allows). we walk there, eat ice cream, spend time together. if it's snowy, we build a snowman and then drink hot tea to warm ourselves up. i love weekends! drop me a line soon. best regards, (твое имя). (. я учусь в америке, и такие для меня легкотня)

There is a pen on the table there are a lot of interesting book  i want to ride there because there are many beatiful views there are cats in the street there is a cake in the fridge there is a cryind girl in the corner thre are cars in the park place there are

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