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Прочитайте текст и внимательно посмотрите на каждую строчку. некоторые строки правильные, а в некоторых есть слово (предлог и тп), которого там быть не должно. если строка правильная поставьте + около номера. если в строке есть слово, которого там не должно быть, запишите это слово. 1. it was august and carlos and pedro were 2. on a camping holiday in scotland. they didn't 3. have many of warm clothes with them and they 4. certainly did not have an umbrella. but on the 5. second day of their holiday they went to the village 6. shop. on their way back to their tent and the sky 7. became very black and large drops of rain began 8. to fall. their clothes were very wet. "let's to run! " 9. shouted carlos to his friend and they did ran back 10. to the farm where they were staying. but where 11. was the tent? where was all their food? "look at 12. up there! " carlos pointed to a tree and there it was. 13. it looked like a big the wet bird. "what shall we 14. do? " asked him carlos unhappily. "we can stay in 15. a hotel for the rest of the holiday! " his friend was 16. answered.

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Тут мафия забей) если учитель злой то думай) а если норм то забей)

1 common more common the most common 2 powerful more powerful the most powerful 3 noisy noisier the noisest 4 safe safer the safest 5 healthy healthier the healthiest 6 dirty dirtier the dirtiest 7 far farther the farthest 8 difficult more difficult the most difficult 9 light lighter the ligthest 10 useful more useful the most useful 11 boring more boring the most boring

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