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Write in a, an, some or any. 1. is there milk in the crystal glass? — no, there isn't milk in the crystal glass there's juice in the crystal glass. 2. — are sausages on the round plate? -there aren't sausages on the round plate. there are sandwiches on the round plate. 3. -is glass on the wooden table? — no, there isn't glass on the wooden table. there's cup on the wooden table. write in a, an, some, any. there's on the top. there are on the tree. are there on the tree? there isn't tree in the house. there's jam on the wooden table. is there in the basket? there aren't vegetables in the fridge.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1any ,any,some 2any,any,some 3a,a,a 4an,some,any,a,some,any,any

You - ты, your - твой, he - он, his - его, she - она, her - eё, it - это, our - наш, they - они, their - их

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