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Are the following sentences correct? put a tick.are they incorrect? change the underlined words.1)i think victoria is a singer.2)there are the thousand people waiting for the famous actor.3)svetlana can play the piano really well.4)is tim in a bathroom? 5)sara is the farmer.6)olga,have you got an apple,please? 7)i'm in the kitchen! come in! 8)can you play a guitar?

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Правильно ли составлены следующие предложения? поставьте галочки рядом с правильными . или они не правильные? (дальше слово не могу разобрать,если что допишу) 2)я думаю виктория певец. 3)тысяча людей ждут известного актёра 4)светлана может играть на пианино довольно хорошо 5)сара фермер 6)ольга у тебя есть в грамматике) 7)я на кухне,пошли! 8)ты можешь играть на гитаре?

monument to lenin in the revolution square    established in 1959 in conjunction with the stands is the main focus of the central square of the city. it was after the opening of the monument to the revolution square was finally formed. after twenty years behind the monument was created by square.the authors are well-known sculptors chelyabinsk golovnitsky l. and b. zajkov, architect e. alexander.his height - 17.5 meters. the figure shows a leader in the movement, is made of bronze and mounted on a pedestal of granite.

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