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A) open the brackets using present simple i(want) to tell you about my usual day. it (star) at 7 o'clock in the morning. i regularly (do) my morning exercises. then i (take) a hot shower. my brother (have) a cold and a hot shower. we (be) a friendly family and we always (have) breakfast together. my school (be) near my house. the lesson (begin) at 8 o'clock sharp. my favorite subject (be) math. our class-mates (be) very friendly. b) make these sentences negative and interrogative 1. the classes at our college star at 9. 2. i often listen to the radio. 3. my mother wakes me up. 4. college is over at 6.

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A1) want 2) starts 3)do 4) take 5) has 6) are 7) have 8) is 9) begins 10) is 11) are в 1 негативное - the classes at our college don't start at 9. 1 вопросительное - when do the classes at our college start? 2 негативное - i don't listen to the radio often. 2 вопросительное - how often do you listen to the radio? 3 негативное - my mother doesn't wake me up. 3 вопросительное -   does your mother wake you up? 4 негативное - college isn't over at 6 4 вопросительное - when does the college over?

Артикль an и а употребляются только в единственном форме артикль an употребляется в тех сущиствительных где первая буква начинается с глассного а а можно употреблять в тех существительных где первая буква соглассная и еще артикль а употребляется в тех случаях если мы говорим о чем то в первый раз например my sister has a cat .the cat is very beautiful.

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