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Мой любимый вид транспорта на 10-15 предложений

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Technological advance made travelling an ordinary part of our life. people travel for different reasons: to study foreign languages, to see other countries and culturies., to enjoy picturesque places and so on. it goes withaut saing that all means of travel have their advantages and disadvantages, for example, travelling by air is the fastest and the most comfortable way, although it is not always safe and is preety expensive. speaking about me, my favourite mean of travel is going by train. there are no traffic jams. moreover, we can use our time in diffrent ways: reading, working, talking with other passengers etc. by the way, high-speed trains can cover long  distances within several hours.

test form 8 unit 4

1. where is the money?

there's not enough information in this text.

his advice helps me. it's always useful.

his knowledge in physics is big.

what is the news? it is bad.

this information helps him to know the way.

2. i'm looking for my book. (я ищу свою книгу)

i'm looking at my book. (я смотрю в свою книгу)

who looked back a cat? (оглянулся на кошку)

jane looked after her mother. (присматривал за мамой)

don't look at her. she's crying. (не смотри на неё, она плачет)

i'm looking for the bithday party. (ищу, где здесь вечеринка)

you should look up these words in a dictionary. (посмотреть в справочнике)

3. should




had to



4. you should buy enough potatoes. (ты должен купить достаточно картофеля)

my brother is too young. (мой брат так молод)

your question is easy enough. (твой вопрос достаточно простой)

there wasn't too salt. (там не было так солёно)

he's speaking too fast. (он говорит слишком быстро)

i don't have enough time to talk to you. (у меня нет достаточного времени на разговор с тобой)

he has been working too much. (он работал много)

this book was interesting enough. (эта книга была достаточно интересна)

do you have enough sugar? (у тебя достаточно сахара)

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