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Нужно сочинение по языку на тему доспремечательность волгограда к примеры мамаев курган

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Volgograd is one of the largest historical cities located in the south-east of the european part of russia. the city was first mentioned in 1589. this date is considered to be the city foundation year. nowadays volgograd is home to 1 million 18 thousand people. it occupies the 13th place among all russian cities based on population. its territory is home to people of different nations. most people are russians who account for 90 percent of the population, the second largest group is formed by the kazakhs, followed by the ukrainians and the armenians. the city's climate is characterized by strong temperature changes, hot and long summers and mild winters. volgograd is a large city with developed industry. the most popular are such industries as metallurgy, engineering, metalworking, chemical plants and power generation. there are many cultural interesting places in the city, such as theaters, museums, cinemas, exhibitions and so on. thanks to its outstanding history volgograd can boast of some unique monuments, which are popular with both local citizens and tourists. the main attraction of the city is mamaev kurgan. this largest memorial complex was created in the memory of the great patriotic war. around the complex there are different monuments dedicated to specific moments of the staliningrad battle. this memorial is crowned by the huge 85 meter high "motherland calls". the state museum-panorama of stalingrad battle is very popular among tourists. here you can see more than 130 thousand exhibits, telling about the heroic past of the city. in addition, the museum includes the largest russian panorama dedicated to stalingrad battle. this huge, 120x6 meter, painting is a magnificent work of art. in general, this hero town contains a large amount of monuments, exhibition halls and another interesting historical places where everyone can find place after his own heart.

Mamaev kurgan is the central height of russia, a holy place for all the people of the vast country. it was a radical turn in the course of the great patriotic war. created here is the monument monumental and majestic ensemble "to heroes of stalingrad battle" – to preserve for the ages a story of courage and the courage of the defenders of stalingrad during fierce fighting outside the city. in this article you will learn about what events took place there during the hostilities, what kind of strategic role played kurgan

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Моя любимая актриса - Джулия Робертс

My favorite actress

The actress who won me over was Julia Roberts. Of course, the first time I saw her was in the movie "Pretty Woman." In this modern fairy tale about Cinderella, who does not back down from life circumstances, seeks to overcome adversity, makes mistakes, corrects them, and, in the end, her dream comes true, she finds happiness and love.

I decided to learn more about the actress's personal life. Julia Roberts was born in a family of creative people in the city of Atlanta in 1967. Her parents were amateur actors. Their financial situation was difficult, so her father made extra money as a salesman, and her mother as a secretary in the church parish. Her father owned an acting school where children studied. By the way, many of Julia’s relatives became actors, but they are not as popular as she is.

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