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Нужно предложение сделать в passive voice и указать в каком времени например в presen perfect я купил эту книгу в москве он пишет ему письмо мы покупаем подарки сейчас это нужно сделать passive voice !

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Ответы на вопрос:

This book has been bought in moscow. (present perfect) this letter is writing to him. (present continuous) this presents have been buying now. (present perfect continuous)

1my brother is married but he hasn't got .any.. children. 2 sue does't speak .any.. foreign languages. 3 i'm afraid there's .no.. coffee. would you like some tea? 4 'look at those birds! ' 'birds? where? i can't see .any.. birds.' 5 'do you know where jane is? ' 'no, i've got .no.. idea.'

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