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Язык. #1 определить тип имени сущ. (исчисляемое или нет) (абстрактное, не абстрактное) salt magazine wisdom flower anger #2 вставьте артикль (a/an/the), где это необходимо she is my sister. she is dancer. his brother has got a lot of books. i lile music. it always brings me joy. our father is friefighter. he helps people. 3. поставьте глаголы в правильную форму i always (to drink) tea with milk. my sister (to have got) a lot of flowers in the room. our cousin (to be) a very clever child. 4. определить тип имени сущ. (исчисляемое или нет) (абстрактное, не абстрактное) sand joy bottle furniture honesty 5. вставьте артикль (a/an/the), где это необходимо he doesn't like cofffe. he prefers juice. i like snow. it' so beautiful. our sister is dancer. and she likes reading too. her brother likes sport . he is sportsman. 6. переведите предложения на . язык they (to eat) too much sugar. our aunt (to be) a very good doctor. their brothers (to have got) a lot of pen-friends.

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Ответы на вопрос:

1.  неисчисляемое:   salt, wisdom, anger;   исчисляемое:   magazine, flower2.  she is my sister. she is a dancer. his brother has got a lot of books. i like music. it always brings me the joy. our father is a firefighter. he helps people.3.  i always drink tea with milk. my sister has got a lot of flowers in the room. our cousin is a very clever child. 4.  неисчисляемое:   sand, joy, honesty, furniture;   исчисляемое:     bottle5.  he doesn't like coffee. he prefers juice. i like snow. it's so beautiful. our sister is a dancer. and she likes reading too. her brother likes sport. he is a sportsman.6.  they eat too much sugar. our aunt is a very good doctor. their brothers have got a lot of pen-friends.

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