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№1 откройте скобки в past simple и present perfect 1. he (never /work) on a ship 2.the expedition (return) home yesterday 3. i (not/ read) this book yet 4.the ship (just/reach) the island 5.they (discover)a lot of types of animals last year 6.yan (write) a letter to nick two days ago 7. he (send) his letter yesterday №3 поставить which или who: 1. here`s the magazine.it is very popular 2.i often meet my teach.she livesnext to our house 3.ann likes her bedroom/ it is very tall. 4.he knows the boy.he is very tall 5.mike hates this porridge. it is really salty надо

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Ответы на вопрос:

U're welcome…✨ формула past simple - v2 present perfect - have/has+v3

1. he has never worked  2. returned 3. i haven't read  4. has just reached  5. discovered  6. wrote  7 sent 1 which 2 who 3 which 4 who 5 which 

There was a little dog dome we liked him and kept at home once he made a mistake he ate father's favorite stake and now our dog eats only stone (камень) ***************** and now our dog eats only throne  (трон) ***************** and now our dog eats only show  (шоу) **************** and now our dog eats only snow  (снег)

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