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Вписать нужное слово (he, him, his) hobby is playing chess

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Ответы на вопрос:

His hobby is playing chess. предложение переводится так : его хобби играть в шахматы . his переводится как -его , -ему

His, так как хобби принадлежит ему


1.The Ivanovs hadnt lived in Moscow for five years.

Had the ivanovs lived in Moscow for five years?

2.He didnt come home late in the evening.

Did he come home late in the evening.?

3.We didnt send him a telegram yesterday.

Did we send him a telegram yesterday.?

4.We hadnt received some letters from him for a long time.

Had we received some letters from him for a long time.?

5.He hadnt just come.

Had he come just?


Популярно: Английский язык