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Vasco da gama  - биография  иccледователя  на .vasco da gama ( aka vasco de gama)the following biography information provides basic facts about the life vasco da gama:   nationality - portuguese  lifespan - 1469 - 1524  family - father was estevao da gama a portuguese noble and courtier  education - well educated befitting his status  career - explorer and navigator

famous for : discovered an ocean route from portugal to the east, assumed to be impossible feat as it was believed that the indian ocean was not connected to any other seas  facts, timeline & history about the life of vasco da gama - explorer and navigatorthe following are additional facts and a timeline about the life and history of vasco da gama:   vasco da gama was born in sines, province of alemtejo, portugal  he came from a noble portuguese family and his father was a distinguished soldier who attended the portuguese court  vasco da gama was well educated as befitted his status and would have been taught several languages, physics, geometry, mathematics and astronomy  1492  king john ii of portugal sent vasco da gama to setubal, on the lisbon coast, to seize french ships in retaliation for french raids against portuguese ships  1497  january the command of an expedition to find a sea route to the east indies was given to vasco da gama  1497 july 8    vasco da gama sailed from lisbon under the leadership of the three da gama bothers: vasco, paulo, and nicolao coelho accompanied by crews of about one hundred and fifty men  four ships were in the fleet led by vasco de gama  the sao gabriel which da gama commanded  the sao rafael  the berrio  a storeship  1497  november 22 vasco da gama sailed around the cape of good hope in africa  1497  december 25 da gama reached the coast of natal  1498  january da gama reached the mouth of the zambezi  there journey was dangerous and they were attacked by arabs  1498  may 20 the voyage of discovery reached its destination - the indies and calcutta, india  1498  october 5 vasco da gama sets sail for home and portugal  1499  september: vasco da gama returns to portugal to great acclaim. he is created admiral of the indian ocean  1502  king manuel i of portugal sent da gama on another expedition to india and da gama returned in 1503  1519  the title of count is bestowed on vasco da gama  1524  king john iii sends vasco da gama to india as the portuguese viceroy  1524  vasco da gama dies in cochin on the malabar coast, india on 24 december, 1524  1539  the remains of vasco da gama are returned to portugal and his body is lain to rest at vidigueira  facts about the 1497 vasco da gama ships - the sao gabriel, the sao rafael and the berriothe names of the 1497 vasco da gama ships were the sao gabriel, the sao rafael and the berrio. the brave men of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries who sailed in uncharted waters to unknown lands were courageous adventurers who were motivated by fame, glory and the wealth. the living conditions on board the small ships were basic and the voyages were dangerous.  various aids to navigation were available on ships during the renaissance. the navigational aids that vasco da gama would have used on his ships included:   astrolabes  charts  compasses  cross-staffs  nocturnals  traverse boards  almanacs  all of the navigational aids used by vasco da gama on the sao gabriel, the sao rafael and the berrio were used to measure the angle between objects above the ocean, such as the stars or the sun, with the horizon. this would have enabled vasco da gama to calculate the ship's position at sea  conditions on the vasco da gama ships would have been very basic. food provisions would have included bread, beer, fish and salted meat. the captain would have had some private stores which might include wine and fresh livestock  the sao gabriel, the sao rafael and the berrio were all small ships, about 80 tons  the overall length of the ships would have been about 80 feet  the sail area of the ships would have been about 2500 square feet

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