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Val saw her little brother, teddy, in the street. "val, guess what i've got! " he said. two small eyes looked at val from a furry face."what is it. ". she asked. "it's a ferret! he is cute. my friend eric gave him to me. he's really friendly. eric says ferrets are the best pets in the world". "he is cute, "val said. the ferret had a long neck, and its fur was brown face, like a small raccoon. val loved it." can i take it"? val asked."sure. but he's my pet, val, and don't forget about it! " val took the animal." he's great, teddy", she said."you said eric gave him to you? why? "because his mum didn't like it. she says it looks like a furry snake with legs." the ferret looked like a mink, long with small paws and a small head. "does ded know about him? " val asked. "eric gave him to me today, so i didn't have time to ask dad. but he is a super ferret, i'm sure dad will say it's okay. where is dad? " "he went to the staples farm, "said mrs racer." what's that? that's a weasel! " " it's not a weasel, mrs racet.it's a ferret ", teddy said." "he's my new pet. " it's a weasel,"mrs racer said," and weasels are bad animals! they eat hens! " " it's not a weasel, "val said." ferrets are different. they don't do all the bad things weasels do. teddy's friend eric gave it to him. he's soft and furry like a cat. " перевести текс

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Ответы на вопрос:

Said i don't know brother say doze and brother skazav guess and she says i don't know soze  the nurse said i skaju mom and brother skazav what is teddy

1.Do you like your room?  - Yes, I do. I like my room very much.

2. Is your room small?  - No, it isn’t small. It is very nice and cosy.

3. Is there much furniture in it? No, There isn't much furniture in it, only the most necessary pieces.

4. What is there in the right corner? . In the right corner there is a comfortable arm-chair. 5. Do you have any bookshelves? - .There are some shelves with books in my room. You can see Russian and English books there.


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