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Напишите письмо. 100-120 слов i've been busy the whole day. my grandmother's birthday is in two days and i've been looking for a present for her but i haven't found anything yet. it so difficult to find a good present for someone you really love! in what occasions do you give each other presents? do you usually buy gifts for your family or do you make it's yourself ? what kinds of presents do you think my granny would be happy to get? please give me some ideas if you can.

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Ответы на вопрос:

dear kelly,


i am happy to get your letter. yes, you're right, to find a gift for someone you really love is very difficult. i always buy gifts previosly. i also love to give something made by myself. relatives love my gifts, i like to bring them joy. yesterday, my mom had a birthday. i gave her a beautiful bouquet of flowers, which i made out of paper and a chocolate bar, she was wonder! i brought to her breakfast in her bed. i love her! you can also present to her something made by yourself. she is going to be surprised, i promise.






1. if the weather were hot and sunny, julia to the beach.

b. would go

2. if he me, i will phone him myself.

a. doesn't phone

3. we him to the country if he had asked us.

b. would have taken

4. if leo were more careful, he so many mistakes in his tests.

b. wouldn't make

5. i wouldn't refuse if they to give them a lift.

a. asked

6. if brenda had had plenty of time yesterday, she us.

c. would have visited

7. if you a goof specialist, you will earn much.

a. were

8. if people wings, they wouldn't need airplanes.

b. had

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