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Вставьте личное местоимение. a) 1. jack has many french books. likes to read french very mach. 2. alice is late. is in a traffic jam(в дорожной пробке). 3. alice and jane are new secretaries. are not lazy. 4. the books are old but are interesting. 5. this is my window. is big. b) 1. is this room comfortable? - no, isn't 2. are the textbook on the shelf? - yes, are. 3. is ben's sister an engineer? -yes, is.

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Ответы на вопрос:

He she they they it b) it they she

1. he 2. she 3. they 4. they 5. it 1. it 2. they 3. she

1-downhill 2-jam 3-round the world 4-agents 5-cross


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