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Сделать во множественном числе friend,lake,bus,shelf,disco,mouse, sheep,reef,city,woman,leaf,man-servant,lady-bird,sister-in-law,ox,box с переводом

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Friends,lakes,busses,shelves,discoes,mice,sheep,reeves,cities,women,leaves,men-servant,ladybirds,sisters in law,oxen,boxes. friends-друзья lakes-озёра busses-автобусы shelves-полки discoes-дискотеки mice-мыши sheep-овцы reeves-рифы cities-города women-женщины leaves-листья men-survant-слуги ladybirds-птички sisters in law-снохи oxen-рогатый скот boxes-коробки

I  go to school six days a week,  except for  school,  i flso  attend additional courses.  i walk into english, doing vocals and playing the piano. i attend english twice a week on wednesday and saturday.our lesson begins with checking homework.then we study the a new a theme and begin perform certain written and oral exercises. conclude by me a give homework.as i said before, i'm also doing the vocals.i attend vocal, 3 times a week on monday, wednesday and friday.the lesson begins with a various vocal exercises, of tongue twisters.after we are discussing a new song, we learn the words and we listen melody. on the music too, i go three days a week on monday, tuesday and friday.there we learn are different musical pieces. i do not have much free time.but i think it's best to expand its capabilities and to be an active person than sit still

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