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Написать предложения со словами pick up, to gather, gathering, to exept, exeption, complicated, convenient, complex, alike, leakage

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Ответы на вопрос:

1) she picked up her bag and left the room. 2) i could gather nothing from his statement. 3)  not all investigations succeed in  gathering   sufficient evidence.4)  i regret   except   our friendship.5) every rule has its own exceptions.6) this task is very complicated.7) it is pretty convenient, right? 8) complex answers are forbidden for this task.9) people say that we look alike.10)  the recommendations also included provisions on  leakage.

ответ:1) A collection of billions of stars,gas and dust bound together by gravity - B) galaxy

2) The star that is at the centre of our solar system - A) The Sun

3) The celestial body which orbits the Earth - D) The Moon

4) A large,spherical celestial body that orbits a sun - G) planet

5) A bright streak of light in the night sky caused when a rock enters the Earth's atmosphere and burns - E) meteor

6) A small body that orbits the Sun,but composed of ice,with a'tail' - C) comet

7) A spherical celestial body that orbits the Sun,but is not big enough to be a planet - I) dwarf planet

8) Small pieces of rock/metal that orbit the Sun - H) asteroids

9) A ball of gas,generating its own light and heat,visible in the night sky - F) star


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