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Решите загадку две маленькие лодки без каких-либо паруса с десятью пассажирами на борту не идут на реку или море но путешествовать по суше весь день лодки проходят туда и сюда но ночью они оба пусты вот на : two little boats without any sails with ten passengers on board the don't go on the river or sea but travel on dry land all day boats pass to and fro but at night they are both empty

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Ответы на вопрос:

  shoes - it is answer 

Это обувь-


1)scientists created a new medicine

2)each person has their own traits of character

3)it was such a good film as i thought

4)on the other hand, it was a really hard exercise

5)on the one hand, it looked like a very simple exercise

Популярно: Английский язык