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Найдите ошибки. 15 . my summer holidays was great. in june i was in izluchinsk. i walked with my friends, cleaned in room, help my mother. in july i was in camp. it's "lesnaya skazka" . after camp, i was in krasnodar region. i visited my grandma. i swum in sea, walked with my grandmother. in august i was in izluchinsk. i walked with my friends every day, helped my mother and father, clean in room, visited quest. that's so i spent my holiday.

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My summer holidays were great. in june i was in izluchnisk. there i walked with my friends, cleaned my room and helped my mother. in july i was in the visiting the camp i was in krasnodar region. i visited my grandmother.i was my room, took part in quest. this is how i spent my holidays.

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