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Перевести на сейчас я вам расскажу как провела это лето.оно было ярким.в начале лета я ездила в лагерь "восход".он мне понравился.там были хорошие вожатые ,были веселые дискотеки и мероприятия.еще ткам была гардеробная.там были костюмы для разных номеров.я там выступала,танцевала.было грустно когда я от туда уезжала.ещё этим летом я со своей семьей ездила на речку.мы там отдыхали и купались .а в конце лета я много гуляла со своими друзьями и с братом ходила за грибами.это лето было самое лучшее в моей жизни

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I'm gonna tell you how i spent this summer. it was really cool. first i went in a camp "sunrise". i really liked it, there were good leaders, good discos and events. there was a wardrobe for different scenes too. i performed and danced. it was so sad when i had to go home. this summer we with my family went to a river, we relaxed and swimmed, and in the end pf the summer we with my brother had fun with my brother and his friends, and looked for mushrooms. this summer was the best in my life

1.the pupils of our class ask many questions at the lesson 2.you don't make many mistakes in your spelling 3.he likes it at the camp: he has few friends there 4.the hall was almost empty: there were a few people in it 5.i cant buy this expensive hat today: i have little money

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